
• Stick to Basics •

Wow, this has been a crazy week! I have a deadline set to launch my new blog, Simple Street, by December 1st. I'll talk about all of the same stuff as I do on this blog, only better! Ha, well I have to convince you somehow, right? Keep an eye out for the updates on my Twitter. Does anybody else wish they had a computer that would only let me go to one website at a time? Just me? Okay. I constantly find myself sneaking over to that dang tweet palace looking at updates. I think it's just a procrastination technique that I like to use during my busiest times.

Anywho, the point of this post was to gather inspiration for our bedroom. I am so wishy-washy on design. One day I like big bold colors, other days I don't like color at all, it's so random. So, I have wanted to change up the bedroom, but am afraid that I will, again, change my mind in a couple months. Enter pinterest... I scanned through my bedrooms board and noticed a trend. Do you see it?


1 comment:

Colleen / Inspired to Share said...

Mmm white is so beautiful. Excited for your new site!!

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